What We Do 

We work with different groups to improve the quality of life in Gaston County.

We address complex needs and issues in the County. We facilitate fair, honest discussions about people’s concerns. We also offer ways for the community to learn about the issues impacting the county. To address these problems, we work with different groups in the county to decide what to fix first and enact solutions through programming.

Mission, Vision, Values

  • Mission

    Gaston Together unites people and organizations to address complex needs and issues in Gaston County by bringing resources and people together to collaborate, facilitate, and promote our potential.

  • Vision

    Gaston Together will reach its potential through community, leadership, and collaboration. We will celebrate our communities, accomplishments, and ability to move forward.

  • Values

    Engagement, Equity, Excellence


Community Pride Building

These programs inspire people to be proud of Gaston County. To build pride, they celebrate local leaders and teach students about the county.

Creating a Culture of Wellness

These programs work to make the county healthier.

Supporting Current & Future Leaders

We support leaders in the county to make positive change and to help the county grow.

One Gaston 2040

A community initiative to chart Gaston County's future between now and 2040.

Supporting Current & Future Leaders

We support leaders in the county to make positive change and to help the county grow.

We are better Together.