Weekly Tips 1/27
Selfcare Tip of the Week
National Institute of Mental Health
“Eat healthy, regular meals and stay hydrated. A balanced diet and plenty of water can improve your energy and focus throughout the day. Pay attention to your intake of caffeine and alcohol and how they affect your mood and well-being—for some, decreasing caffeine and alcohol consumption can be helpful.”
Quote of the Week
“The most difficult thing is the decision to act, the rest is merely tenacity.”
- Amelia Earhart -
Video of the Week
How Stress Effects the Body
Sharon Horesh Bergquist
TED-Ed | October 2015
"Our hard-wired stress response is designed to give us the quick burst of heightened alertness and energy needed to perform our best. But stress isn't all good. When activated too long or too often, stress can damage virtually every part of our body. Sharon Horesh Bergquist gives us a look at what goes on inside our body when we are chronically stressed." [Directed by Adriatic Animation, narrated by Addison Anderson, music by Jure Buljević].”